Product Details of Pankajakasthuri Orthoherb Oil 100ml
Pankajakasthuri Orthoherb Oil 100ml This is a unique formula containing 23 herbs, gives relief from inflammation, muscle spasm and control all inflammatory joint pain. Orthoherb tablet is a preparation which works by correcting the inflammation of the synovial membrane and fluid, reducing the swelling due to its specific anti-inflammatory and diuretic action, restoring the fluid balance and it also rejuvenates the joint capsule for maximum performance. It is from steroids, chemicals and metallic compounds, it does not cause any abdominal discomfort harmless and safe.
- Uses: Anti-inflammatory and analgesic; Lubricates joints; Imparts muscle tone and strengthens the Dhatus; Imparts firmness to limbs; Stimulates circulation; Helps the lymphatic functioning for detoxification
- Indications: Joint Pain, Inflammations, Cervical & Lumbar Spondylosis, Sciatica & all types of inflammatory joint conditions
- Ingredients: Eranda, Vasa, Vilvam, Sahacharam, Bala, Nimba, Dusparsha, Gunja, Pata, Maricham, Thwak, Jati Phalam, Lavangam, Amalaki, Manjishta, Nirgundi, Punarnava, Guggulu (Purified), Chithrakam, Kera thaila, Eranda thaila, Thailaparna thaila
- Directions of use: Apply on the affected part and massage gently
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